Blackham - trig point

Blackham - flush bracket

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There is an easy way to reach Blackham trig point. The OS 1:25 000 map shows an old 'carriage way' leading off the lane heading south from the A264 at Highfields Park (TQ 489387). This is the start of a circular permissive path (a 'conservation walk') that gives access to the field next to the field containing the trig point. When you get to the highest point on the permissive path, follow the line of pylons westwards, but keeping a little south of them. This will take you to a gate into the field with the trig point. Fine views.

Blackham - map of permissive paths

This is another trig point with no obvious name. Blackham is the nearest prominent name on the map. The on-site map showing the permissive paths off the old carriage way (see above) suggests it should perhaps be called 'Tot's Wood'.